New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts provides a welcoming atmosphere where you, the patient, are our top priority. Our cosmetic surgeons and experienced medical staff strive for the highest level of patient safety and satisfaction. Each procedure or treatment is customized to help achieve your aesthetic goals for your face or body. Our reputable doctors are committed to helping you improve your appearance and self-confidence. By combining state-of-the-art facilities with board-certified cosmetic surgeons and an unmatched quality of care, our New York Boutique Practice can deliver stunning surgical and non-surgical results.

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The skin on your neck ages at the same rate as the skin on your face, and unlike facial skin, it is usually neglected. Neck laxity is common among women and men and often contributes to diminished self-confidence. A neck lift (lower rhytidectomy) is a surgical procedure that tightens tissues in the lower face and neck to eliminate sagging skin, vertical banding, excess submental fat (double chin), and wrinkles in the neck. The surgical experts at New Look New Life have years of experience restoring youthful and natural-looking neck contours and look forward to assisting you in achieving your desired results.
Why should I choose New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts?
New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts is dedicated to providing safe, beautiful, and natural-looking neck contouring results through customized cosmetic techniques. Our board-certified cosmetic surgeons personalize your neck lift based on your desires and needs, and they are there for you throughout the process. From your pre-op consultation to after your post-op appointments, you will always have access to your surgeon. This one-on-one care places New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts far above the rest.
What Are the Benefits of Neck Lift Surgery?
Neck lift surgery is performed on women and men to:
Reduce sagging neck skin
Smooth wrinkles in the neck
Lessen the appearance of jowls
Minimize a double chin
Maintain a natural appearance
Am I a Candidate for Neck Lift Surgery?
Neck lift surgery is performed to restore slimmer and more youthful-looking necks. Candidates for neck lift surgery do not smoke, are generally healthy, and have no previous medical conditions that can impair the healing process. Neck lift surgery can restore youthful, defined neck characteristics, but it cannot make you look like an entirely different person or prevent additional aging from occurring. Therefore, neck lift candidates must have realistic expectations of their results.
What Is Discussed During My Neck Lift Consultation?
Neck lift surgery is customized to your needs and goals, and a consultation with your surgeon at New Look New Life is essential to your surgery’s success. During this meeting, your board-certified cosmetic surgeon will:
Discuss your goals for your neck lift
Evaluate your skin condition
Take photos
Explain your surgical options
Recommend any combination procedures
Develop a surgical plan
Your neck lift in New York will be scheduled soon after this initial consultation.
If you think you may be a candidate for neck lift surgery, contact New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts by calling (212)-830-6830.
How Can I Personalize My Neck Lift Surgery?
Neck lift surgery tightens neck tissues to eliminate sagging, vertical banding, and lax jawlines. This surgery is performed at one of our New York surgical centers and takes approximately two to three hours.
Where Are My Neck Lift Incisions Made?
Neck lift incisions are made in discreet locations where they will be easy to cover with hair or makeup. Your board-certified cosmetic surgeon will make three different incisions: one behind each ear and one beneath the chin. These incisions allow your surgeon to tighten the skin and tissues in the neck and access the chin to perform liposuction of the neck. Excess skin is trimmed, and the remaining skin is redraped and sutured for a smoother neck contour.
Should I Combine My Neck Lift With a Facelift?
Neck lift surgery is commonly performed alongside a facelift or a mini facelift to maintain a youthful balance between the face and neck. Because facelift surgery uses the same incisions (or similar incisions) as a neck lift, it is a natural combination procedure.
Should I Combine My Neck Lift With Other Facial Procedures?
While a neck lift and facelift combination addresses the lower two-thirds of the face and neck, some patients choose to combine these procedures with facial enhancement of the eyes and forehead. This is usually accomplished with a combination of blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) or brow lift surgery (forehead lift). These combination procedures ensure that all of your facial features will be rejuvenated together.
What Will My Neck Lift Recovery Be Like?
Neck lift surgery is an outpatient surgery, and you can return home after a brief stay in our recovery suite. You will not be able to drive yourself home after your surgery. You should rest comfortably, with your head elevated, for several days following your surgery. Most neck lift patients return to work and their normal daily routines within seven to 10 days, but extensive physical activity should be avoided for at least two weeks or until cleared by your surgeon. Dr. Karlinsky and Dr. Kim provide all of their patients with their cell phone numbers so that they can be reached at any time during your recovery.
Is Neck Lift Surgery Painful?
Neck lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia to ensure comfort during and immediately after the surgery. Bruising, swelling, tenderness, and tightness are common after neck lift surgery, as is some moderate discomfort. Any resulting pain can be alleviated with prescribed or over-the-counter pain medication.
Will My Neck Lift Leave Scars?
Neck lift incisions are placed in easy-to-conceal locations behind the ears and under the chin. While scarring is expected to develop at all incision locations, this scarring is not readily visible and will fade with time.
What Does Neck Lift Surgery Cost in New York?
Your board-certified cosmetic surgeon at New Look New Life will tailor your neck lift to your aesthetic needs and goals. Our neck lift surgery starts at $8,000, but this figure may vary once anesthesia, facility, operating room, and surgeon’s fees are factored in. During your consultation at New Look New Life, you will be provided with an accurate cost estimate that will include these fees as well as the cost of required garments and follow-up appointments. We offer financing options through CareCredit® to help you pay for your neck lift in New York.
When will I see my neck lift results?
Your neck lift results will start to become visible immediately after your surgery and will continue to improve as the bruising and swelling subside and the incisions heal. Within a few weeks, you will notice a significantly thinner and more youthful neck and jawline contour that will last for years to come.
How should I prepare for neck lift surgery?
Neck lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia, and pre-operative precautions must be taken. Neck lift patients are required to stop smoking and taking blood-thinning medications and supplements for at least 10 to 14 days before and after the surgery. These medications include aspirin, ibuprofen, NSAIDs, and some herbal supplements.
You should also arrange for a responsible friend or family member to drive you to and from the procedure and schedule adequate time away from work and your required daily obligations.
What are the risks associated with neck lift surgery?
Neck lift surgery is safe, especially when performed by a board-certified cosmetic surgeon such as Dr. Karlinsky or Dr. Kim. While rare, complications can arise, including:
Negative reactions to the anesthesia
Nerve damage
Prolonged wound healing
Unfavorable scarring
Neck lift patients experiencing any unusual symptoms are advised to contact Dr. Karlinsky or Dr. Kim right away.
Do you have to combine a neck lift with a facelift?
While many patients choose to combine their neck lift with a facelift or a mini facelift to maintain facial balance, it is not required. If your aging symptoms are localized to the neck, you can choose to have a neck lift as a standalone procedure. This will tighten the neck and jawline to leave you looking revitalized and rejuvenated.
Does a facelift also address my neck?
Facelift surgery addresses the lower two-thirds of the face, often including the jawline. Some neck aging may be addressed; however, facelift techniques alone will not achieve the same amount of neck correction as a neck lift. Traditionally, most facelift or mini facelift procedures are always performed with a neck lift to ensure harmony between the face and neck.
Will a neck lift get rid of my double chin?
Submental fat can result from weight gain, age, or genetic factors, and it is challenging—if not impossible—to eliminate through natural means. Neck lift surgery, combined with liposuction of the neck, can eliminate the submental fat that makes up a double chin.
Alternatively, non-surgical KYBELLA® injections can also help to minimize the appearance of a double chin. This injectable solution permanently eliminates excess fat in the neck. This injectable can be done before or after a neck lift to enhance results further.