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Inverted Nipple Surgery in New York City

An inverted nipple is a condition in which the nipple of one breast or both breasts lies flat or points inward instead of pointing out. This can cause many men and women to feel self-conscious about their appearance.

Additionally, while many women with inverted nipples can still breastfeed their infant, there are some cases in which nipple inversion affects the baby’s ability to latch correctly, causing trouble with feeding.

Some men and women are born with inverted nipples, while others may have this condition develop as they age. However, whether the nipple has always been inverted or it has occurred over time, inverted nipple surgery can help correct this issue.

Inverted nipple surgery is a procedure that can correct male and female inverted nipples and restore a more natural and aesthetic look that boosts confidence and self-esteem.

The board-certified surgical experts at New Look New Life have years of experience in correcting cosmetic issues such as inverted nipples, and they look forward to helping you look and feel the way you want.

Inverted Nipple Repair Graphic

Why Should I Choose New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts?

New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts is dedicated to providing safe, beautiful, and natural-looking results through customized cosmetic procedures. Our board-certified cosmetic surgeons will make sure to give you the focused attention you and your surgery deserve, and they are available to help answer any and all questions you might have throughout your surgical journey. From your pre-op consultation to after your post-op appointments, you will always have direct access to your surgeon.

Here at New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts, we take pride in helping our patients achieve the look and feel they desire.

What Are the Benefits of Inverted Nipple Surgery?

After your surgery, your nipple(s) will no longer be inverted. Instead, they will point outward. This will give them a much more natural aesthetic, which, in turn, creates a sense of confidence in your appearance. No longer will you feel self-conscious with your partner or with your reflection in the mirror.

Am I a Candidate for Inverted Nipple Surgery?

Candidates for inverted nipple surgery are men and women who have one or both nipples inverted. Candidates should also be in good general health and have realistic expectations for their results.

If you think you may be a candidate for inverted nipple surgery, contact New Look New Life Surgical Arts by calling (646) 559-2854.

What Will Be Discussed During My Consultation?

During your consultation at New Look New Life, you will meet with one of our board-certified cosmetic surgeons to discuss your goals for the procedure as well as any concerns you might have. Additionally, your surgeon will:

  • Evaluate the condition of your nipples
  • Take photos
  • Explain the surgical procedure
  • Give any pre- and post-operative instructions
  • Recommend any combination procedures

How Is Inverted Nipple Surgery Done?

After you are given local anesthesia, your cosmetic surgeon will make a tiny incision in the underside of your nipple and release any tension in the underlying tissue. Dissolving sutures are then used to close the incision. The entire procedure usually takes less than one hour to complete.

Can I Combine My Inverted Nipple Surgery With Other Procedures?

Yes. Inverted nipple surgery can be combined with other procedures. One of the benefits of combining procedures is less overall recovery time, since you will be recovering from the different procedures simultaneously.

Some procedures often combined with inverted nipple surgery include:

Before & After

Inverted Nipple Surgery – Before

Inverted Nipple Surgery – After

What Are Your Concerns?

What Will Recovery Be Like for My Inverted Nipple Surgery?

It may take up to six weeks for full sensation to be restored after your inverted nipple surgery; however, you should be able to return to work the day after your surgery. You will have tenderness, swelling, and bruising in the area after your surgery, but this should dissipate over the next few days.

You should also refrain from any vigorous activity during the week after your surgery. Additionally, you may need to wear a padded bra or tight-fitting top during the first two weeks of your recovery.

Is Inverted Nipple Surgery Painful?

Local anesthesia will be used during the surgery, so you should not feel any pain. However, you will have some swelling, tenderness, and bruising after the procedure. Pain medication can be taken to lessen any discomfort in the days after your procedure.

Will My Surgery Leave Scars?

Inverted nipple surgery does require incisions, which means scarring; however, scars for this procedure tend to not be noticeable because of the short length of the incision as well as the placement of the incision in the undersurface of the nipple.

What Does Inverted Nipple Surgery Cost in New York?

At New Look New Life, inverted nipple surgery starts as low as $2,500, which includes your surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, facility and operating room fees, required garments, and all your follow-up visits. However, the exact price for this procedure varies. At your consultation, you will be given a detailed quote.

Click here for information about financing.

At New Look New Life, helping you achieve beautiful results with minimal time away from your busy life is our goal. Dr. Victoria Karlinsky-Bellini is a New York cosmetic surgeon whose eye for detail and careful attention to her patients showcases itself in the gorgeous and natural-looking results they are able to provide. To schedule your consultation with Dr. Karlinksy-Bellini give our office a call today at one of our two New York locations (Manhattan and Westchester) and get ready for a new, more confident you.

What Are Some Frequently Asked Questions About Inverted Nipple Surgery?

How should I prepare for inverted nipple surgery?

It is advised that you refrain from smoking a month before and after your surgery to help speed up your recovery and improve healing.

What kind of anesthesia is used for inverted nipple surgery?

Local anesthesia is used for inverted nipple surgery; however, general anesthesia may be used if your corrective surgery is combined with other procedures.

How long does inverted nipple surgery take?

Most inverted nipple surgeries take less than one hour to perform.

What are the risks associated with inverted nipple surgery?

Inverted nipple surgery is a very safe procedure and includes minimal side effects beyond swelling and tenderness/sensitivity. However, as with all surgeries, there are some risks, including:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Poor scarring

When will I see the results of my inverted nipple surgery?

It usually takes two to three weeks for your results to become evident.

Are my results permanent?

With proper care, including consistent exercise and a healthy diet, your results from inverted nipple surgery can be permanent.

Ready to schedule your Inverted Nipple Surgery consultation?

We would love to discuss your options and answer any questions or concerns you may have. Give us a call at (646) 559-2854 to schedule a private Inverted Nipple Surgery consultation. New Look New Life has two New York locations (Manhattan and Westchester).