New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts provides a welcoming atmosphere where you, the patient, are our top priority. Our cosmetic surgeons and experienced medical staff strive for the highest level of patient safety and satisfaction. Each procedure or treatment is customized to help achieve your aesthetic goals for your face or body. Our reputable doctors are committed to helping you improve your appearance and self-confidence. By combining state-of-the-art facilities with board-certified cosmetic surgeons and an unmatched quality of care, our New York Boutique Practice can deliver stunning surgical and non-surgical results.
Bridal Packages

Future Mrs. Collection
5 Signature Facials, 4 Dermaplane, 4 Skin Tyte (Face), 3 BBL Forever Young (Face), 2 Non-Ablative Halo (Face), 2 Fascella Treatments (Face)
Value: $5,700 ($750 off)
Cost $4,950
(Recommended 6 Months Prior)
*Complimentary Facial Analysis for all packages
*Must redeem within 1 calendar year from purchase

Black Tie Collection
6 areas of Botox (Face), 4 Syringes of Restylane, 4 Signature Facials, 2 BBL Forever Young (Face), 1 Ultherapy (Mid Face + Neck)
Value: $11,500 ($2300 off)
Cost $9,200
(Recommended 6-12 Months Prior)
*Complimentary Facial Analysis for all packages
*Must redeem within 1 calendar year from purchase