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Your breasts are with you through thick and thin, from hormonal changes, weight fluctuations, pregnancy, and breastfeeding to the natural aging process. Sometimes, these life experiences result in permanent changes in your breasts, such as sagging skin and glandular tissues. If life has left your breasts sagging and without their one youthful perk, a breast lift at New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts is an effective way to redefine your feminine figure. Breast lift surgery (mastopexy) lifts and reshapes the breast tissue and skin to restore youthful elevation and a firmer look and feel.

Why Should I Choose New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts?

The board-certified cosmetic surgeons at New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts are dedicated to providing our patients with the highest caliber of treatment. We customize all of our cosmetic procedures to ensure that your surgery is safe and your results are beautiful and natural-looking. From your pre-op breast lift consultation to after your post-op appointments, you will always have access to your surgeon. This one-on-one care places New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts far above the rest.

What Are the Benefits of Breast Lift Surgery?

Breast lift surgery is performed on women to:

  • Elevate sagging breasts

  • Eliminate excess skin

  • Tighten loose or stretched tissues following pregnancy or weight loss

  • Resize or reposition the nipple-areola complex

Am I a Candidate for Breast Lift Surgery?

Many women who consider breast lift surgery are displeased by the appearance of their breasts—not the size. Breast lift surgery does not significantly alter the volume of the breasts. While women may feel as though their breasts look larger or smaller following their breast lift (due to their lifted, perkier appearance or tighter, more compact tissues), there is no significant change in size. Most women interested in and candidates for breast lift surgery have noticed breast ptosis (sagging) or deflation following pregnancy, breastfeeding, or weight loss. Candidates for breast lift surgery do not smoke, are in good overall health, and have realistic expectations of their results.

What Is Discussed During My Breast Lift Consultation?

Since your breast lift is customized to your needs, a consultation with your surgeon at New Look New Life is essential to your surgery’s success.

During this meeting, your surgeon will:

  • Discuss your goals for your breastlift

  • Evaluate your skin condition

  • Take photos

  • Explain your surgical options

  • Recommend any combination procedures

  • Develop a surgical plan

If you think you may be a candidate for breast lift surgery, contact New Look New Life Surgical Arts by calling (212)-830-6830.

How Can I Personalize My Breast Lift Surgery in Manhattan, NY?

Dr. Karlinsky and Dr. Kim skillfully perform each surgery according to your unique needs and goals. This surgery usually takes up to two and a half hours to complete at our Manhattan surgical center.

Breast lift surgery is performed by making a series of incisions on the breast and around the areola. Through these incisions, the breast tissue is tightened and the nipple-areola complex repositioned higher on the breast.

The areola’s size and shape can also be adjusted during this procedure.

What Is the Periareolar Incision?

A periareolar breast lift is ideal for women with mild breast ptosis. This incision is made around the areola only. While there is little—if any—noticeable post-operative scarring, this technique does not allow for significant breast correction or allow for the nipple-areola complex to be repositioned.

What Is the Lollipop Incision?

The lollipop breast lift is appropriate for women with mild to moderate breast ptosis. This incision runs around the areola and continues vertically down the lower pole of the breast (from the bottom of the areola to the breast crease where the breast meets the ribcage). This technique results in little post-operative scarring and allows for adjustment to the nipple-areola complex.

What Is the Anchor Incision?

  • The anchor incision (inverted-T) allows for the most significant amount of ptosis correction. This technique takes the lollipop incision and extends it horizontally across the breast crease. While this process does result in post-operative scarring on the breast, it can tighten and remove the most amount of skin and tissues.

  • The anchor incision allows for the resizing and repositioning of the nipple-areola complex.

Should I Combine My Breast Lift With Breast Augmentation?

The combination of a breast lift with breast augmentation surgery is common after pregnancy or significant weight loss (and is often performed during a Mommy Makeover). A breast lift restores elevation and projection to breasts that have been augmented with implants or fat transfer. Some women discover that their new implants sag if their breast tissues are not tight. Breast lift surgery eliminates this situation.

Should I Combine My Breast Lift With Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction surgery is almost always combined with a breast lift; however, a breast lift does not have to be performed with breast reduction. A combination of a lift and reduction is only necessary for women with overly large breasts that would have significantly loose skin and sagging tissues after the removal of glandular tissue and fat.

What Will My Breast Lift Recovery Be Like?

The breast lift is an outpatient procedure, and you will return home shortly after your surgery. You will be recommended to rest for the following two to three days before returning to work. A compression garment/surgical bra will be wrapped around your chest to help promote circulation, reduce swelling, and facilitate the healing process.

You will be somewhat sore and stiff during your recovery and must be careful to avoid straining, lifting, or twisting. Most women can return to more strenuous exercise after seven to 10 days. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled with Dr. Karlinsky or Dr. Kim the following day, and another appointment will be made for one week from then.

Nipple and skin sensation will gradually return, and scars will diminish in the months following your breast lift.

Dr. Karlinsky-Bellini and Dr. Kim provide all of their patients with their cell phone numbers so that they can be reached during your recovery.

Is Breast Lift Surgery Painful?

Breast lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia for your comfort and safety. Any post-operative pain can be lessened with prescribed or over-the-counter pain medication. Most women feel little to no pain after a few days to one week.

Will My Breast Lift Leave Scars?

The severity and location of your breast lift scars will vary by the breast lift incision you chose. These scars can be covered with clothes and bathing suits and will reduce significantly over time. Breast lift scars can be minimized with scar treatments, creams, and silicone strips.

How Much Does Breast Lift Surgery Cost in New York?

Breast lift surgery is a complex surgical procedure that requires extensive knowledge and skill. At New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts, breast lift surgery starts at $8,500. You will be provided with a detailed price quote during your consultation, which will include your surgeon’s fees, anesthesia fees, facility fees, required garments, and follow-up visits.

How should I prepare for my breast lift?

Breast lift surgery requires anesthesia. Therefore, you will be required to stop smoking and taking blood-thinning medication, including aspirin, ibuprofen, and some herbal supplements, for at least 10 to 14 days before and after surgery.

You will also need a ride to and from our surgery center and to arrange for time off of work and your daily obligations.

When will I see the results of my breast lift?

You will start to see signs of your perkier, more youthful breasts immediately after the procedure. These results will continue to improve as the bruising and swelling subside. While breast lift surgery does not eliminate the potential for future breast sagging, it does restore elevation to the breasts.

Are there any risks associated with breast lift surgery?

You are in experienced hands with board-certified cosmetic surgeons like Dr. Karlinsky and Dr. Kim. However, as with all surgical procedures, there is a risk of potential complications. These complications include:

  • Reactions to the anesthesia

  • Bleeding

  • Infections

  • Prolonged wound healing

  • Seroma

  • Changes in sensation

  • Numbness of the nipples

Aesthetic complications include:

  • Poor scarring

  • Breast asymmetry

You can reduce your risk of these and any other potential complications by following all of Dr. Karlinsky and Dr. Kim’s post-operative instructions.

Are there alternatives to a breast lift?

While there are no alternatives to breast lift surgery for women who desire or need to address sagging breast tissues, not every woman wanting breast enhancement needs a breast lift. Alternatively, women who desire more fullness can benefit from breast augmentation surgery with implants or fat transfer, whereas women who would like to reduce their breasts can benefit from breast reduction surgery.

Can I breastfeed after a breast lift?

While many women choose breast lift surgery after breastfeeding has already done its damage, other women choose breast lift surgery before having children due to the sagging caused by significant weight loss. While it is commonly recommended to postpone your breast lift until after you are finished having children (since pregnancy can damage your results), some women who choose breast lift before find that they can still breastfeed. It is important to understand that this ability varies among women. Some women can breastfeed normally, others have reduced milk production, and still, some produce no milk at all.

If you are concerned about breastfeeding after breast lift surgery, please discuss this with Dr. Karlinsky or Dr. Kim during your consultation.

Will my breast lift be permanent?

While the results of your breast lift will last for many years, no surgical procedure can stop the natural aging process. Therefore, you should expect that your breasts will eventually develop some additional sagging and loss of shape. You can help to prolong the quality of your results by maintaining a stable weight and wearing a supportive bra.
Breast lift surgery may be repeated if necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check out a few of our featured patients before & after results; click our gallery to view the images.

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