New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts provides a welcoming atmosphere where you, the patient, are our top priority. Our cosmetic surgeons and experienced medical staff strive for the highest level of patient safety and satisfaction. Each procedure or treatment is customized to help achieve your aesthetic goals for your face or body. Our reputable doctors are committed to helping you improve your appearance and self-confidence. By combining state-of-the-art facilities with board-certified cosmetic surgeons and an unmatched quality of care, our New York Boutique Practice can deliver stunning surgical and non-surgical results.

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For many women, their breasts deeply affect their body image and self-confidence. Most of the focus on these body parts centers on size and shape. Some with smaller breasts are completely satisfied, while others desire a curvier or more voluptuous upper body.
Breast augmentation is a cosmetic breast surgery designed to increase the size and enhance the shape of a woman’s breasts with saline or silicone implants.
Why should I choose New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts?
New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts is committed to providing safe and effective breast augmentation options to deliver beautiful results through customized breast procedures. Our surgeons personalize your breast augmentation treatment plan according to your desires and needs and are there for you throughout the process.
What Are the Benefits of Breast Augmentation?
Breast augmentation is performed on women to:
Create more feminine upper body contours
Add or restore breast volume
Improve breast symmetry
Improve body confidence
Make certain clothing styles look better on them
Am I a Candidate for Breast Augmentation?
Women turn to breast augmentation to enhance small breasts or to restore breast volume after pregnancy or weight loss. Women who are considering breast augmentation should be in good overall health, have realistic expectations of their results, not smoke, and be able to follow a surgeon’s instructions carefully.
Candidates for saline implants must be at least 18 years old and 22 or older for silicone implants.
If you are over 35 or you have a family history of breast cancer, you may be asked to undergo a preliminary mammogram.
What Is Discussed During My Breast Augmentation Consultation?
Your consultation is essential for a successful breast augmentation because it is personalized to meet your unique needs. During your consultation, your surgeon will:
Listen to your concerns and goals
Discuss your many options for the implants, incisions, and placement
Take measurements and photos
Recommend any combination procedures
Develop your surgical plan
If you think you may be a candidate for breast augmentation, contact New Look New Life Surgical Arts by calling (212)-830-6830.
How Can I Personalize My Breast Augmentation?
You will work with our surgeon to choose the implant material, shape, incision type, and placement options that best provide the results you desire.
What Are My Breast Implant Options?
(Implant Material)
Breast implants have a durable silicone shell filled with saline or silicone gel.
Silicone: These highly customizable and versatile implants are filled with a thick silicone gel that feels and looks like natural breast tissue.
Silicone implants are thought to feel and appear more natural than saline
The manufacturer prefills silicone implants; therefore, they sometimes require a larger incision
We offer the highly cohesive Natrelle® breast implants and Mentor® implants for our breast augmentation patients
Saline: These implants are filled with a sterile saline (saltwater) solution.
Saline implants are filled by your surgeon during the procedure, allowing for a smaller incision.
Saline implants usually provide a more augmented look.
What Are My Breast Implant Options?
(Implant Shape)
Silicone implants are available in various shapes that will provide different aesthetic appearances.
Round: Round implants are spherical and provide equal fullness to the top and bottom of the breast.
Anatomical: Anatomical—or gummy bear—implants have a teardrop shape to replicate natural breast tissue more closely. These implants have a thicker gel consistency to keep their shape better.
What Are My Breast Implant Options?
(Implant Texture)
Smooth: Smooth implants have a soft surface that allows the implant to rotate in the breast pocket.
Textured: Textured implants have a rough surface that attaches to the breast tissue and prevents the implant from rotating in the breast pocket. This option is often recommended for teardrop-shaped implants since rotation would cause aesthetic distortion.
What Are My Breast Implant Options? Implant Profile
The implant profile determines how your implant will project from your chest. Your desired aesthetics and body frame will influence your implant profile options.
Low profile: Implants that have a broad base but provide little projection
These are ideal for women with a broader chest wall
Moderate profile: Implants with a narrower base and more projection
These are ideal for women with average-width chest walls
High profile: Implants with an even smaller base that provides even more projection
These are ideal for women with small chest walls
Ultra high profile: Implants with the most narrow base and projection
These are ideal for very petite women
Where Will My Implants Be Placed?
Your implants will be placed either above or below the pectoral muscle.
Submuscular: The implant will be placed under the pectoralis major muscle.
This option is ideal for women with thin breast tissue.
The implants may look more natural.
The surgery and the recovery period may last longer.
Submuscular placement is the preferred method of your surgeons at New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts.
Subglandular: The implant is between the breast tissue and the chest muscle.
Requires sufficient existing breast tissue as they are more prone to rippling.
The surgery and recovery period may be shorter than with submuscular placement.
This placement option is ideal for women who lift weights.
Where Will My Breast Augmentation Incisions Be Made?
Incisions to insert your breast implants will be made in one of the following locations.
Inframammary: The inframammary fold is the crease beneath your breast, where the breast connects to the ribcage. An incision is made along this crease to help conceal the resulting scars.
This incision option reduces the chances of post-operative infection and capsular contracture.
Periareolar: The areola is the dark-pigmented skin that surrounds the nipple. A crescent-shaped incision is made in the upper portion of the areola, where the dark pigment will hide the scars.
Transaxillary: The incision is made in the armpit, and the implant is tunneled underneath the surrounding tissue to reach the breast pocket. Although this incision option results in less post-operative scarring (as the scar is hidden in the armpit), placing the implant can be more challenging and is not recommended for use with silicone options.
Breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia for your safety and comfort.
While every patient and surgery is unique, breast augmentation usually takes between one and two hours to complete. Breast augmentation is an outpatient procedure, but you will need to have someone drive you home and stay with you for the first 24 to 48 hours of your recovery.
Should I Combine My Breast Augmentation With a Breast Lift?
Many women consider breast augmentation due to lost volume after weight loss and pregnancy to restore lost volume. Unfortunately, many also experience premature breast ptosis (sagging).
Breast lift surgery elevates sagging breasts by tightening the glandular tissues, repositioning the nipple-areola complex, and removing excess skin. Breast lift surgery can typically be performed at the same time as breast augmentation.
What Is Breast Augmentation With Fat Grafting?
The surgeons at New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts offer fat grafting as a natural alternative to implants. Breast augmentation with fat transfer harvests unwanted body fat with liposuction and transfers it to the breast.
Fat is usually taken from the abdomen, hips, or thighs for full-body contouring.
This technique cannot increase the volume of the breasts as much as breast implants, but it comes without the risk of implant complications.
What Will My Breast Augmentation Recovery Be Like?
Your breasts will be placed in a compression garment or surgical bra to ensure proper healing while helping to reduce swelling and promoting ideal blood circulation.
You must rest for the first few days of your recovery, and you may need assistance to help with day-to-day activities like cooking and cleaning.
Most patients return to work within one to two weeks but are advised to avoid strenuous exercise, including pushing, pulling, or lifting anything over 10 pounds, for at least four to six weeks.
You will be able to reach your surgeon with questions or concerns from the time of your pre-op appointment to your post-op visit. New Look New Life Cosmetic Surgical Arts is dedicated to providing this one-on-one care.
Is Breast Augmentation Painful?
You can expect some bruising and swelling after your breast augmentation surgery, which should subside considerably within the first week. You will be prescribed pain medicine or choose to use over-the-counter medication to alleviate discomfort.
Will My Breast Augmentation Leave Scars?
All surgical procedures cause some level of scarring, and following breast augmentation, you will develop scars at the incision sites. However, these scars are easily concealed and will fade over time.
To help minimize scar visibility, you should avoid underwire bras during the healing process (as the wire can irritate the incision), keep the incisions out of the sun, and apply scar cream or silicone strips.
What Does Breast Augmentation Cost in New York?
Your breast augmentation is personalized to help you achieve your cosmetic goals. This customization, along with your surgeon’s skill and experience, will determine the total cost of your procedure.
At New Look New Life Surgical Arts, our breast augmentation starts at $7,500. However, this may vary significantly once your implant selection, anesthesia fees, facility fees, and pre-surgical tests are factored in.
We offer financing options through CareCredit® to assist you in paying for your breast augmentation in New York.
How should I prepare for my breast augmentation?
You will need to stop taking all blood-thinning medications, such as aspirin, NSAIDs, and certain herbal supplements, before your operation. You will also be asked to stop smoking for at least two weeks before and after your breast augmentation. Following these recommendations will reduce your risk of excessive bleeding during your surgery.
Can I have breast augmentation before I have children?
Breast augmentation will not affect your pregnancy or your children; however, many women experience breast changes during pregnancy that affect the overall quality of their breast enhancement results.
Pregnancy after breast augmentation may necessitate a secondary breast procedure like a breast revision or a breast lift to restore a more attractive breast aesthetic.
Can I breastfeed after breast augmentation?
Most women experience no difficulty breastfeeding their child following breast augmentation. Traditionally, breast implants do not damage or interfere with the connection between the nipples and the milk ducts.
If you are planning on having children following your breast augmentation and are interested in breastfeeding, let your surgeon know during your consultation.
What are the risks associated with breast augmentation?
While complications are not expected to occur after this procedure, breast augmentation is still surgery, and complications are possible.
Potential physical complications include:
Adverse reactions to the anesthesia
Abnormal firmness
Blood clots
Prolonged wound healing
Capsular contracture
Implant rupture
Implant displacement
Potential aesthetic complications include:
Breast asymmetry
Unfavorable scarring
What is capsular contracture, and how can I identify it?
Capsular contracture is a potential implant complication that develops when the scar tissue surrounding the implant begins to contract. This squeezing of the implant leads to both aesthetic distortion and physical discomfort. Capsular contracture requires the removal of the implant and scar tissue capsule, but one or both breasts can receive new, healthy implants.
Breast implant massages may decrease your risk of capsular contracture.
What should I do if I notice an aesthetic change in one or both of my breasts?
Breast augmentation results are long-lasting but are not guaranteed to last a lifetime. Implant complications like capsular contracture, implant rupture, and implant displacement can occur at any time. If you notice breast asymmetry, lumps in the breasts, changes in implant position, or breast pain, contact your surgeon right away.
Breast revision may be necessary to correct implant-related complications.
Do breast implants increase my breast cancer risk?
No. Breast implants are not associated with breast cancer and do not increase your breast cancer risk in any way. Because performing self-breast exams may be more challenging, you must see your doctor for routine mammograms and MRIs.
Mammograms can still be performed after breast augmentation, and breast implants will not be damaged during the procedure. However, it’s essential to notify your mammogram provider that you have implants.
Frequently Asked Questions
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